We love all our Goats, but to keep our breeding stock fresh occasionally we need to sell some goats to make space in our herd. See our current goats for sale below.
Please note: I will sell goats individually only to a home that already has other goats. Goats are herd animals and need friends. If you are a new goat owner or homesteader, I am happy to mentor you in this fun and fulfilling journey of goat ownership in order to successfully see my babies go to a good home.
Babies are sold Disbudded, banded to wether if applicable and with their first CdT vaccine. They have been raised on a coccidiosis preventative. We dam raise all our babies but handle them every day so they have no fear of humans.
Babies are sold Disbudded, banded to wether if applicable and with their first CdT vaccine. They have been raised on a coccidiosis preventative. We dam raise all our babies but handle them every day so they have no fear of humans.
Buckling 2023
Dandelion Meadows SHI Perseverance Rover *B
Born 4/06/2023
MDGA registration pending F3 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
Click for more information!
Dandelion Meadows SHI Perseverance Rover *B
Born 4/06/2023
MDGA registration pending F3 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
Click for more information!
Doeling 2022
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Orchid Rose
Born 3/17/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
*Available June 17th*
Click on Picture for more information!
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Orchid Rose
Born 3/17/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
*Available June 17th*
Click on Picture for more information!
Doeling 2022
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Irish Rose
Born 3/17/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
*Available June 17th*
Click on Picture for more information!
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Irish Rose
Born 3/17/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
*Available June 17th*
Click on Picture for more information!
Buckling 2022
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Hawthorne *B
Born 3/26/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
48.9% Nubian, 51.1% Nigerian
*Available June 1st*
Click on Picture for more information!
Buckling 2022
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Shamrock *B
Born 3/17/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
Registered $450
Intact unregistered $350
Click on Picture for more information!
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Shamrock *B
Born 3/17/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
Registered $450
Intact unregistered $350
Click on Picture for more information!
Wether 2022
Born 4/11/22
This darling boy is the friendliest one in the whole batch this year, and his long floppy ears and blue eyes make him the cutest too. He will come banded, disbudded, tattooed and with his first cdT vaccine. He is already eating hay and creep feed well.
He will be available June 20th at 10 weeks old to go to his new home.
Born 4/11/22
This darling boy is the friendliest one in the whole batch this year, and his long floppy ears and blue eyes make him the cutest too. He will come banded, disbudded, tattooed and with his first cdT vaccine. He is already eating hay and creep feed well.
He will be available June 20th at 10 weeks old to go to his new home.
Wether 2022
Born 4/11/22
I think I should have fired the naming comittee on this one, but the girls started calling him Smudge and somehow it stuck. He is a little on the smaller side than his brother, but almost just as friendly. He will make an excellent pet as he is easy to handle and loves scratches. He will come banded, disbudded, tattooed and with his first cdT vaccine. He is already eating hay and creep feed well.
He will be available June 20th at 10 weeks old to go to his new home.
Born 4/11/22
I think I should have fired the naming comittee on this one, but the girls started calling him Smudge and somehow it stuck. He is a little on the smaller side than his brother, but almost just as friendly. He will make an excellent pet as he is easy to handle and loves scratches. He will come banded, disbudded, tattooed and with his first cdT vaccine. He is already eating hay and creep feed well.
He will be available June 20th at 10 weeks old to go to his new home.
Wether 2022
Born 5/15/22
Pluto was just born the other day. As the last baby of the year, he is being very spoiled. He is polled so no disbudding is going to be needed, but he will come banded, tattooed and with his first cdT vaccine.
He will be available July 24th at 10 weeks old to go to his new home.
Born 5/15/22
Pluto was just born the other day. As the last baby of the year, he is being very spoiled. He is polled so no disbudding is going to be needed, but he will come banded, tattooed and with his first cdT vaccine.
He will be available July 24th at 10 weeks old to go to his new home.
Grace Abounds GT Hiram King of Tyre *SOLD* Born 5/13/18 MDGA registered F2 Experimental Tigger came to us from a farm about 2 hours north of here, and we were thrilled to add him to our herd as our herd sire. Tigger is 100% new genetics to the Mini-Nubian arena. He is out of both 50/50 first gen sire and dam. He is g6S normal by parentage. His mother has a beautiful top line and her udder attachments are great! She earned her *P on a one day test. She has also continually placed very well in the online shows this year. As icing to the cake, he is polled and moon-spotted! As a baby, his moonspots started out as dark brown and have faded to a pretty silver. We brought Tigger in hoping he would help bring the size down of our bigger girls in their offspring and continue to improve udder attachments. Tigger is 145lbs and 28inches tall. His babies seem to have followed their mamas for size, so although he has not thrown bigger babies out of our smaller mamas, he has not brought down size on our larger mamas like we had hoped. Last year Tigger threw some very cute babies who all found great homes. This year, he gave us one doeling, Delphinium, who we are retaining, and 2 bucklings, one of whom we sold intact and the other we wethered. We have bred him to a couple mamas one final time this year and he is available to move to a new farm. See more about Tigger, including reference photos of his Dam and kids Here! |
Wylie *SOLD*
DOB 4/14/2020 F2 Experimental $250 registered with MDGA paperwork $125 unregistered as a wether This cute little buddy is available after weaning at 10 weeks old. He is disbudded. If he is older than 12 weeks he will come to you banded and with his first CDT. I am predicting he will get to be about 100 lbs full grown. His mama is my sweetest most gentle doe. We will be testing for her milk star soon. She has a nice high Eustachian, good production and has wonderful breed character. His sire, Embry, was chosen to bring size down and improve hind leg set. He also carries tons of milk in his pedigree and should improve udder attachments. Of all my goats, Maple is the most laid back and of all my bucks, Embry is also the most laid back buck I own, so this pairing should produce beautiful temperament in the babies! Already Wylie is a nice laid back little fellow. Read more about his Dam, Maple, here. Read more about his Sire, Embry, here. |
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Diamond ***SOLD***
DOB 3/7/2020 Buckling available as an F2 Experimental with the MDGA. $250 registered. He will be weaned and ready to go after June 7th. Diamond is a super correct and long little buckling. He was one of quadruplets. Originally we were planning to wether all these little guys, but this boy is just too handsome to wether! Udder photo's at 12 hrs fresh with 4.5lbs milk. We test for milk star later this month, and I have no doubt she will be able to get it. She has beautifully open orifices and milks out currently in about 90 seconds. She is a very broad and deep doe and she is maintaining her condition very well despite nursing quadruplets! You can read more about Diamond's dam, Penelope, here. Sire's Dam also has incredible milk capacity, has a beautiful udder and has her milk star. According to his breeder she is one of the easiest goats to milk in her herd. Sire's sire was a Nigerian with tons of milk in his background and his dam has a super gorgeous udder, His daughters placed very well including one place 6th out of 66 at the 2019 ADGA Nationals. He also carries his production star. You can read more about Diamond's Sire Quil and his pedigree here. |
Texas *sold*
3 year old Wether $100 unregistered. Texas is a sweet almost 3 yr old wether that we bottle raised and would not be planning to get rid of except for space and financial constraints. I have too many goats for my acreage, so I am hoping to find a loving home for this guy. He is as sweet as can be, easy to handle and I have never had him challenge my fences. His hooves are easy to care for, and he walks on lead or follows a feed bucket well. Texas loves to browse brush, eat hay, and play with his buddies. He made a great companion for my bucks and is gentle with the goat babies. He is about 125lb, 29 ish inches at the withers. |
Jasper ***Sold***
DOB 3/28/19 $125 as a wether, ready to go now as a bottle baby or weaned after June 20th! Jasper is a cute and friendly little fellow! He is one of twins born to Maple. He is the friendliest and most curious of our current babies. His sire was Tigger, bringing new lines to the mini Nubian world on his father's side. Jasper will be wethered. His sire's markings really came through with this guy! He is currently being dam raised, but is transitioning well to hay and grain. If Jasper is an example of what Tigger is going to throw, I am super excited! |
Dandelion Meadows HKT Posey ***Sold***
DOB 3/28/19 Can be registered as an F3 American with the MDGA $325 registered, $275 unregistered. She will be weaned and ready to go after June 20th, or $300 registered with one of her brothers as a wether. Oh my goodness we are in love with this little moon spotted beauty!! Twin to Jasper, out of Maple and Tigger, and new lines on her sire's side, she is just as cute as could be! She reminds me of a little fawn. Posey's nose is already starting to look more Roman. She has great floppy ears with a lot of adorable ear control. She puts them back when excited or interested in anything. Her moon spots are beautiful and she has the potential to pass that trait to her kids as well. Posey is gentle and she loves to come up to you for scratches and attention. She is so playful with her brothers! Posy has great udder potential! Her FF yearling mama is giving me about 2 1/2 lb in a 12 hr fill. |
Dandelion Meadows HKT Cosmos Rose ***Sold***
DOB 3/25/19 Can be registered F3 American with MDGA as a buckling or wethered. $125 as a wether or $250 as a buck, ready to go after June 17th! Of all the babies born so far this year, this one is the one that is going to kill me the most to sell. With new lines on his sire's side, Cosmos has inherited his parents husky build and outgoing personalities. His topline and rear angulation is an improvement on his mothers and I think he will have her well developed brisket and strong spring of ribs as well. Penelope as a yearling FF is doing very well this lactation. She is growing her baby huge and I am milking an additional 2lb in a 12 hr fill. Her teats are really easy to milk with wide orifices and a great texture to her udder. |
* UPDATE Petunia is Sold*
Thistle Haven's Petunia MDGA Registered F2 Experimental This beautiful 3 yr old doe in milk is reluctantly for sale for $250. She is super friendly and has been treated more like a pet than a farm animal. Petunia is a big girl at about 32 inches at the withers and about 140#. 2018 she freshened for the first time, had triplets that she raised without any assistance. After they were 4 weeks old we separated her from them at night and milked her in the morning. She was giving us about 6-7 cups of milk (almost ½ gallon) in a 12 hour fill for the first few months, and is now down to 4 cups in 12 hours with 2 babies still nursing the rest of the time (they are 6 months old now). I will sell her in milk and you can choose to dry her off or to keep milking. She is a really attentive mother and had no difficulties with her pregnancy or kidding. She did well with milking in the AM’s after a 10-12 hr separation. Petunia is UTD on her CDT vaccine, her BoSe shot, and she was tested for CAE, Johnnes and CL in July with negative results. I would love to sell Petunia with Vanilli. (see below) |
*UPDATE, Vanilli is Sold*
Vanilli, Pygora Wether Petunia comes with a buddy named Vanilli who is a Pygora goat wether. I purchased them together and I would like to see them go to a home together as they are really bonded. Vanilli produces beautiful off white wool 1-2x year. If you want to shear him now before it gets too cold, he has about 4 inches of beautiful curly fiber currently, otherwise by spring he should have up to 10 inches of fiber. Vanilli is about 5 years old. He feet need very little care. He is gentle and loves a good scratching on his neck or poll. Vanilli is also UTD on his CDT and BoSe. I did not test him for CAE, CL, and Johnnes this year, but his tests from last year were negative. He tends to get caught a lot in blackberry brambles d/t his coat, so he is not the best goat for brush clearing. $100 for Vanilli or $300 for both Vanilli and Petunia. |