Buckling 2022
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Shamrock *B
Born 3/17/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
$450 registered
*Available June 1st*
Click on Picture for more information!
I was not going to offer this little guy as a buck intact but I am just loving how he is growing, so I am going to give people a chance before wethering him. His Dam, Penelope has fabulous feet and pasterns, good depth of chest, strong brisket and ribs. She is also a dream to milk! She is easy on the hands and fills that bucket in no time. Penelope seems to have very good parasite resistance naturally. We rarely need to worm her. Some years we skip it altogether and she does fine.
Penelope maintains her condition beautifully despite nursing her babies and still has extra for the bucket.
As a 2 year old second freshener, she gave us 7.7lbs of milk on milk test day with a whopping 5.5% milk fat, which earned her not only her milk star, but a place in the top 10 mini-nubians for 2020 with 93 points! She does not have the longest lactation cycle of my does, but she seems to have a good balance between production and maintaining what her body needs to stay healthy. She has thrown triplets or quads every kidding except when she was a FF.
Shamrock's sire's dam has her milk star so Shamrock inherits his *B. His sire, Quil was chosen to improve topline as well as fore-udder extension and bring down size since Penelope is on the larger size. Quil's Sire's dam, SGCH Blue Bear BD Hershey Kisses 1*M VEEE90 is retired now but you can read all about her here.
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Shamrock *B
Born 3/17/22
MDGA registration pending F2 Experimental
52.7% Nubian, 47.3% Nigerian
$450 registered
*Available June 1st*
Click on Picture for more information!
I was not going to offer this little guy as a buck intact but I am just loving how he is growing, so I am going to give people a chance before wethering him. His Dam, Penelope has fabulous feet and pasterns, good depth of chest, strong brisket and ribs. She is also a dream to milk! She is easy on the hands and fills that bucket in no time. Penelope seems to have very good parasite resistance naturally. We rarely need to worm her. Some years we skip it altogether and she does fine.
Penelope maintains her condition beautifully despite nursing her babies and still has extra for the bucket.
As a 2 year old second freshener, she gave us 7.7lbs of milk on milk test day with a whopping 5.5% milk fat, which earned her not only her milk star, but a place in the top 10 mini-nubians for 2020 with 93 points! She does not have the longest lactation cycle of my does, but she seems to have a good balance between production and maintaining what her body needs to stay healthy. She has thrown triplets or quads every kidding except when she was a FF.
Shamrock's sire's dam has her milk star so Shamrock inherits his *B. His sire, Quil was chosen to improve topline as well as fore-udder extension and bring down size since Penelope is on the larger size. Quil's Sire's dam, SGCH Blue Bear BD Hershey Kisses 1*M VEEE90 is retired now but you can read all about her here.
Dam, Dandelion Meadows Penelope Rose *P
Sire: Soaring Hearts Quil Ateara V
*Images used with Permission of Soaring Hearts and Highland Ranch