My name is Melody and I am the happy and overwhelmed-by-blessing, lead Hobby Farmer at Dandelion Meadows Farm. Being able to live this lifestyle is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream! I split my time between caring for my beautiful family, working as a nurse in a busy urgent care, taking care of my farm, and helping support my husband's business. When I am not busy with those things, I spend time reading, knitting, gardening, and loving on our animals. I am committed to helping my family and community live as healthfully as possible.
My family makes so much of what you see possible! Josh helps with infrastructure and is the lead man in all our mushrooming and hunting endeavors. He provides us with much of our organic meat every year, thanks to his fishing and hunting ability. Josh also is the one who gets tasked with so many of the unpleasant chores, grunt work, etc. Thanks babe! Emma is the my little partner in crime. If there is an animal project, you can bet she is in the middle of it. I am constantly amazed by the depth of her intuitive understanding of the animals and her learning. She gives shots, helps with birthings, well care as well as ill care, and is always up for taking care of whatever needs done to keep our animals happy and comfortable. She also learns and retains so much of the herbal and natural treatments and care, sometimes she remembers things I don't even remember! Wyatt is less interested in the farm, and more interested in helping with the creation of a web presence. I consider him technical support. Cecilee is my biggest dog lover and is taking the lead in training the dogs! While she loves the goat babies too, puppies are more her speed. She is really looks forward to socializing puppies.