BCF Legacy’s Better All The Time 2*P
+ Soaring Hearts Embry Estimated due date: Mar 4, 2021 Betty was added to our farm last year and we were so excited to have her. In addition to having her milk star, as a yearling milker, Betty took first in her class under both judges. Betty also took Reserve Champion in the 2020 Spring v-show under one of the judges and 3rd in a very large class under the other. Although Embry does not carry a milk star because his father was full Nigerian, both sire and dam carried milk stars and he has absolutely stunning genetics. He is the least flashy coated of any of my bucks, but he is eye-catching in the field, nevertheless, as when he moves he really stretches out and you can see his gorgeous dairy genetics. He should bring down size (Betty is my largest girl) and he also will hopefully improve rear leg set. He brings great udder attachments as well as possible blue eyes. Any bucklings from this pairing will inherit a milk star. We will retain first pick doeling from this breeding. Second pick doeling and any bucklings will be available. |
Tippsy Hills PB Chrysanthemum Pearl 2*P
+ Soaring Hearts Quil Ateara V Estimated due Date Apr 9, 2021. Babies will be F2 Experimental. This pairing is heavy on Soaring Hearts Genetics and I can't wait to see these babies! They are surely going to be easy on the eyes. One thing I love about Soaring Hearts goats is that they are so well balanced, and Chrissy and Quil are no exception. Chrissy earned her milk star this year and she wowed us all by winning Grand Champion under one of the judges in this spring's v-show, and reserve champion under one of the judges in the summer v-show! Chrissy has a sweet temperament and is so easy to milk. Quil's dam has her milk star so any bucklings from this pairing will inherit their *B. Quil was chosen to improve rear leg angulation as well as teat shape and placement while maintaining the body composition I love so much. First pick doeling is reserved. Second pick doeling and bucklings will be available. |
Dandelion Meadows Penelope Rose P*
+ Soaring Hearts Quil Ateara V Estimated Due Date: February 26, 2021 Babies will be F2 Experimental Last year we got quadruplet bucklings from this paring. They were the cutest little things you have ever seen! This year we are thinking pink! Penelope maintained her condition spectacularly throughout her lactation, nursing quads and earning her milk star. We have not needed to worm her as she shows a great deal of parasite resistance. Her beautiful breed character came through this pairing well and we hope that will be repeated in this next breeding. Quil is such a well put together buck. We are hoping he will continue to improve topline (2020 babies showed improvement), and I have no doubt he will also improve fore udder extension, udder height and lateral attachments for any daughters. Quil's dam has her milk star so any bucklings from this pairing will inherit their B* First pick doeling will be retained. Any other kids will be available. |
Dandelion Meadows Maple *P
+ Grace Abounds GT Hiram King of Tyre Estimated Due date March 24, 2021 We bred Maple and Tigger 2 years ago and ended up with super adorable babies. Last year, I bred Maple to a smaller buck, and missed the moon spots, so this year we are repeating the breeding with Tigger again. Maple got her milk star this last year and she was voted goat most likely to mother someone else's babies in our barn. She is a big sweetheart. Maple is my pet goat, the one girl in my barn that stays if for no other reason than she has such a wonderful temperament. Tigger brings possible moon spots and polled genetics, and he brings improved udder attachments as well as general dairy appearance. I am dithering about whether or not I will retain a baby from this pairing...TBD. UPDATE: The day after I sold Tigger to another farm, 7 days after they were bred, Maple came back into heat, and I had to breed her to Embry instead...Last year she did this and actually freshened based on the original breeding date, so I am still hopeful that she is carrying Tigger's babies. We will know when they are born! |
Dandelion Meadows Delphinium
+ Soaring Hearts Embry Estimated due date May 4, 2021 I went back and forth for a long time about who I wanted to breed Delphinium to, and the differences were slight, but I ultimately decided for her first breeding to breed her to my buck that excelled in dairy appearance the most, which brought Embry to the forefront of the pack. He has a nice wide level rump, improved length of neck and a very dairy bone structure. Hopefully he can sharpen up the withers a little. He should also solidify the nice topline and rear leg set, and babies will have the possiblity of roaning and blue eyes. Because this will be Delphinium's first freshening, you never really know what you will get, but I expect her to have a gorgeous udder based on her genetics. Because, despite what the internet says you can't keep all the goats, this years babies will all be available. |