Chrysanthemum and Quil
Tippsy Hills PB Chrysanthemum Pearl 2*P FMCH
+ Soaring Hearts Quil Ateara V Estimated due Date Mar 26, 2022 Babies will be F2 Experimental. This is a repeat breeding from 2021. Last year, Chrissy gave us 1 doeling, who we already had taken a reservation on. She was the girls favorite doeling out of the whole kid crop. This year, we will be repeating this breeding and retaining first pick, in hopes of getting a little sibling as adorable and sweet. One thing I love about Soaring Hearts goats is that they are so well balanced, and Chrissy and Quil are no exception. Chrissy earned her permanent Grand Championship at the PNWMDG show in June 2021 on a blazingly hot 116 degree day. She also got her milk star in 2020 and was in the top 10 points for the MDGA in 2020. In 2020 she took Grand Champion under one of the judges in this spring's v-show, and reserve champion under one of the judges in the summer v-show! 2021 being what it was, we did not milk test this year, but she is still a joy to milk and puts lots into the bucket every day. Chrissy has a sweet temperament and is so easy to milk. Quil's dam has her milk star so any bucklings from this pairing will inherit their *B. Quil was chosen to improve rear leg angulation as well as teat shape and placement while maintaining the body composition I love so much. First pick doeling is reserved. Second pick doeling and bucklings will be available with preference given to show and milk testing homes. |
Penelope and Quil
Quil and Penelope's past babies. |
Dandelion Meadows Penelope Rose P*
+ Soaring Hearts Quil Ateara V Estimated Due Date: March 17, 2022 Babies will be F2 Experimental This is our 3rd year repeating this breeding. The first year we got quadruplet bucklings, the second year 2 bucklings and a doeling. We have absolutely loved the improvements that Quil has made in the babies, although Penelope is stunning in her own right. This year we will freshen Quil's first daughter and start to see what udders he throws. I can't wait! Penelope has maintained her condition spectacularly throughout her lactation, nursing quads and earning her milk star the first year, then last year a few of the babies needed a little extra help, so we pulled them and bottle fed them, but she still produced wonderfully. We have not needed to worm her as she shows a great deal of parasite resistance. Her beautiful breed character came through this pairing well and we hope that will be repeated in this next breeding. Quil is such a well put together buck. We are hoping he will continue to improve topline, and I have no doubt he will also improve fore udder extension, udder height and lateral attachments for any daughters. Quil's dam has her milk star so any bucklings from this pairing will inherit their B* First pick doeling with the option to retain. Any other kids will be available. |
Daphne and Indigo
Dandelion Meadows SHE Daphne
+ Soaring Hearts Indigo Blue Estimated Due date: April 15, 2022 Babies will be F3 Daphne was retained out of my beautiful doe Maple, and I made the difficult decision to sell her because our numbers were too high. Daphne is just as sweet as her mama, and I can't wait to see these babies! Daphne comes from wonderful milk lines. As a 3rd freshener, Maple actually out-perfomed some of my other milk star does that had been in the 2020 top 10, however, this was a difficult year for us and we were not able to milk test. I have no doubt that if we had we would have seen Maple shine. Daphne also inherited her dad's improved topline and is a well put together little doe. Indy will improve breed character, and he has powerhouse udders behind him, so I am looking forward to seeing what he can throw! Moon spots, blue eyes and roaning are all possible with this pairing! First pick doeling will possibly be retained, but all other babies will be available. |
Jasmine and Thomas
Thomas's Dam |
Dandelion Meadows SHQ Jasmine Rose
+ Daystars Sir Thomas Due date: May 16,2022 Babies will be F3 This year we did something a little different when deciding which buck to use on Jazzy. Emma has an opportunity to apply for a scholarship with a breeding plan that shows her breeding to improve on her current stock. Emma did a lot of evaluation and research on traits we see in Jazzy, traits we know are in the line, and what we were looking to improve. She then looked at our bucks as well as bucks available for driveway breeding in the area. She ended up choosing a buck about an hour away from here at Open Hand Acres. Thomas is a beautiful F6 Purebred Mini Nubian buck that has Green Gables, W-4, Echo Hills, and Laz E acres in his genetics. His Dam, Green Gables Creme della Creme 4*P has a beautiful topline and great teat shape and placement. She is a long doe with lovely feet and legs, and a stellar front end assembly. She is on the petite side, but has a feminine carriage without looking spindly. Thomas is also Moonspotted and Polled, so both are a possibility with this cross. First pick doeling will possibly be retained. All other doelings and bucklings will be available. Pictures courtesy of Open Hand Acres and Mini Love Farm. |