Soaring Hearts Indigo Blue *B
May 7, 2021 MDGA Registered F6 G6S normal by parentage. Sold to Mini Love Mini Nubians Farm!! Look for him here! I took a chance bringing Indy into our herd, and I hope he will perform well. I had seen his grand dam Soaring Hearts Purple Rain at the State Fair MDGA/TMGR show, where she easily swept away all her competition. His dam, Pink Cashmere won her dry leg as a doeling, but had not been further shown or even milked more than supplementally by her owner, so her udder capacity and confirmation were a bit of an unknown. She was sold at the same time as Indy. This year, her new owner tested her and she earned her milk star, so now Indy has his *B. When Indy was posted as available, I took a leap of faith and purchased him, hoping that he will come through for me with the gorgeous udder I saw at the state fair. Plus he appears to have very correct legs and feet. One thing I can be sure of with him is that he will put gorgeous breed character into his kids. Under all that roaning, Indy has moon spots, so 2022 is going to be a wild ride as far as flashy kids!! |
Soaring Hearts Pink Cashmire *P, Indy's Dam
Pink was a second freshener the year I got Indy, pictures courtesy of Kathy Naylor at Mini Love Farm. https://minilovefarm.com/our-does/
Soaring Hearts Purple Rain *P, Indy's Grand Dam
FMCH, VMCH, FGCH Soaring Heart's Purple Rain 2*P is the goat who convinced me I needed this bloodline. She is as gorgeous in person as she is in photos.
Photos courtesy of Wendy Valentine, Soaring Hearts Farm
Photos courtesy of Wendy Valentine, Soaring Hearts Farm
Soaring Hearts Marvin Gaye *B, Indy's Sire
Photos of Marvin Gaye *B and his dam, Soaring Hearts Hyacinth *P courtesy of Wendy Valentine, Soaring Hearts Farm https://www.soaringheartsfarm.com/mini-nubian-bucks. I wish i had taken pictures of Hyacinth at this last PNWMDG show, as she has an absolutely stunning udder with incredible capacity.